
     Working with Marie Terese helped me find the natural tone that fits both my voice and personality. I now feel more confident when delivering important speeches. As Director, I feel having the ‘right tone of voice and tempo’ is essential when leading other people to share the common goals that we are seeking to achieve. With the Ask your Voice method, I now feel calmer and more in synch with the message I wish to deliver with impact.
Philippe Defraigne, Director - Cullen International

     A discovery!
Justice of the Court

     A fascinating journey . . . when applying it, some magic happens!
Head of Unit at Council of European Commission

     The Ask your Voice™ method is one that transcends language and looks to find not only the presence of a voice, but one that looks inside to the individual, to help give them presence, and find their inner voice first. It has made a difference for my team and I would recommend to anyone, 'Ask your Voice™'.
MasterCard Worldwide

     Helped enhance my speaking, a great experience.
Senior VP of MNE

Your Voice and Persona are your most valued and important communication tools which you use in many different situations whether internally, externally or virtually. By integrating both, your Voice and Persona can assist you in obtaining great success in both your professional career and private life.


A memorable presentation is the delivery by the speaker leaving a lasting and impression with impact. The speaker's Voice is the main character of a presentation not the subject matter on the screen.

  • A successful presentation is not only colorful slides, sophisticated graphics, impressive numbers or funny jokes, it's your delivery!
  • Your audience has come to hear your expertise, not just to look at interesting slides. A poor Voice can detract from your presentation by being nervous, speaking too fast or too soft, monotone, etc.
  • If your Voice and Persona cannot support your presentation, you will lose your audience and your presentation will ultimately fail. Don't let the Power Points control your presentation. You are the presentation!


The art of Negotiation is the art of Persuasion. Let your Voice be the be the master to capture your listener's ears.

  • The sound of your Voice is critical to find that 'balance point' and to reach a successful conclusion.
  • Learn how to tactfully interrupt and lead your argument or discussion.


Whether talking to one person or many, the only connection you have over the telephone or internet is your Voice and the listener's ears.

  • If you convey your enthusiasm or show your conviction and persuasion, you will have no other choice than to achieve a successful conclusion.
  • The sound and inflections of your Voice is the vital ingredient needed to make conference calls a success!


An INTERVIEW exposes your true self, whether it is for a job, article or panel discussion. Your Voice controls the interviewer more than you know.

Make every Interview a success by using your Voice to tell your own story. How you use your Voice with its inflection, tempo and pauses creates the real story.